Monday, May 19, 2008

I had to sit down

An unexpected package arrived from Pfizer today via FedEx. I was so thrown that I went weak in the knees out of anxiety and had to sit down. The funny thing is, I don't even know what I was nervous about.

Turns out they want me to return the supposedly malfunctioning pen and sent a whole bunch of pre-paid packaging in which to do so.

On the good news front: G-Girl has definitely grown in the 4 weeks since she has been taking this drug. I measured her day one and my husband measured her again at a 2 and 4 week interval. At each measuring, she grew. Our measurements may not be exact, but there is no question that there is progress. Hooray! All is not for naught.

1 comment:

Simply...Gluten-free said...

Yeah, good news is always welcome!